Next Level Neuro News

The Top 4 Ways Your Vision Improves Your Health applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship vision training
Did you know your eyes are responsible for 80% of how you take in the world? This means they are the first contact in how our brains perceive threats.
The eyes are remarkable sensory organs, capab...
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Andrew Huberman's Neuroscientific Revolution Is Changing the Traditional Biomechanical Approach to Health and Fitness applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
The impact of Huberman is swiftly reshaping health and fitness education for clients globally. Few clients invested in their health fail to raise questions about topics Huberman has addressed on his p...
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The Loss Of Live Mentors In Health and Fitness Education applied neurology neuro education neuro mentorship
As a coach, personal trainer therapist, or health practitioner, are you relying solely on online courses as the key to your continuing education? 
There is an ease to online education, but in the ...
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Is Neurology Just For Stroke Victims? applied neurology neuro mentorship
🧠💪 “Think neurology is just for specialists? Think again!
Every action and reaction, every improvement and achievement is rooted in our neurology—yes, that includes our workouts!
Training ...
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FREE LIVE NEURO WORKSHOP REPLAY applied neurology neuro education neuro mentorship
Your Replay:
Discover the Power of Applied Neuro, Why You Want to Train the Nervous System, and Understand How to Best Serve Your Clients Through Applied Neurology! 
Every movement, every acti...
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