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applied neurology brain science neuro education neurology pain relief Jun 21, 2024
We've taken another step to support the next generation of coaches by providing even more valuable information. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to access in-depth applied neurology content. Learn more about brain science, application, and how to assess applied neurology.
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Current New Next Level Neuro Educational Articles

1. Understanding How The Brain Interprets Stress and Its Importance - The Threat Bucket
   - How many times have you told a client or been told; “You need to decrease your stress” and what does that stress do to our bodies from a brain-first training perspective?


2. The Connection Between The Inner Ear, Vision, Spinal Health, and Movement
   - The inner ear might seem primarily concerned with hearing, but it houses another critical component: the vestibular system.


3. The Brain Science Of Why We Fall More As We Get Older
   - What happens inside our brain that makes us more susceptible to falling?


4. What Happens in Our Brains When We Sleep?
   - We all know the importance of sleep for our health, but do you know the ins and outs of why?  When you understand the role of sleep for our brains and what that means to our health you will have an entirely new perspective on how nutrition, movement, water, and more matter to our brain health.
From understanding waste removal to optimizing glymphatic function through sleep, hydration, and applied neurology, this will help you understand why we say; ‘Everything above the neck drives everything below the neck.’.
     We will go through strategies for improving blood flow in the brain and learn practical neuro drills to boost glymphatic activity during the day.
5. The Silent Language of Posture: Decoding Body Posture for Neurological Pathways to Posture Enhancement
   - Exploring the neurology behind our body's expression of what it needs to correct in our posture from a brain-first perspective and how our posture can tell us exactly where to go in the brain.


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