Next Level Neuro News

Neuro Drills For Dopamine Detox applied neurology dopamine detox neuroscience
Daily applied neuro drills should be at the forefront of any health plan, especially when discussing blood flow and dopamine detox, as they are important.
HINT: Do these drills every time you feel th...
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Where Does Pain Live In The Brain? Understanding How Pain Shows Up in the Brain applied neurology brain science neuro mentorship neuroscience
Where does pain live in the brain? How do we even know we have pain? Can the brain distinguish what type of pain I'm feeling?


It’s a question that we have taken for granted because we just think p...
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Dopamine Detox 101: The Basics You Need to Know! applied neurology dopamine detox neuro mentorship neuroscience
Ever wondered how your brain processes both pleasure and pain?🤔 
What’s the science behind a successful dopamine detox?
In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded with stimuli that trigger dopa...
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Understanding "Threat" and Its Role in Brain Health applied neurology brain science neuro mentorship neuroscience performance
At one point you have been told you need to decrease your stress.  What does that mean and how do we look at is from a neuro perspective?   In our mentorship we look at it as "threat", but what is thr...
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How Long COVID Impacts the Brain and Body: A Neurological Perspective applied neurology long covid neuro mentorship neuroscience
What happens when the brain’s threat perception is heightened, like with Long COVID?
In today’s world, the effects of Long COVID have left many grappling with lingering physical and emotional chal...
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What Is Applied Neurology? applied neurology brain science neuroscience
Neurology and Applied Neurology are fast tracking in the training and health education world.  Have you been wondering what applied neurology is and what it means? 
Here is a simplified look at wh...
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The Future of Fitness: Beyond the Physical, Into the Neurological applied neurology neuro education neurology neuroscience
 When was the last time fitness and health education went through a major educational transition?  I’m still thinking it was the functional movement, which ended the era of traditional bodybuilding as...
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Unlocking the Power of Neuroplasticity in Adult Learning applied neurology brain science
Did you know that your brain has the remarkable ability to change and adapt, no matter your age?   When it comes to adult learning, the neurology of that learning is different from when we were younge...
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Is Foam Rolling Healthy? A Neuro Perspective applied neurology brain science fitness education neuroscience performance
Foam rolling has been a staple in gyms for years now and you can't go to a weekend seminar without someone coming up with a new type of foam roller.   But WHAT IF all that rolling has a negative impac...
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Challenging Common Beliefs in the Fitness Industry: Tension applied neurology strength training

The Dual Nature of Tension In The Body: When It’s Good & When It’s Not

Have you ever wondered why your muscles feel tight? 🤔 Is it just from overuse or poor posture? Or could it respond to how your b...
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Understanding Applied Neurology Basics 101 applied neurology brain science neurology
Have you been wondering how Applied Neurology or Neuroscience science in general applies to you?  Have you heard about it and don’t really understand, but want to?
Let’s do a real basic run down.
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What are the Applications of Applied Neurology? applied neurology neuro education
The role of coaches and trainers in promoting health has never been more critical. As we continue to face the challenges of disease, chronic pain, and obesity, the need for highly educated health prof...
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What are the Approaches and Goals of Applied Neurology? applied neurology neuro education vision training

The Simple Approach of Applied Neurology

Applied neurology seeks to optimize brain function through specific, neuro-targeted exercises, assessed using the assess-reassess process.
This process ai...
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7 Ways Training Your Brain Can Improve Your Health & Training applied neurology brain science neuro education
How does improving your brain's ability to handle stress, improve your training ability and health? 
The brain, an extraordinary and intricate organ plays a crucial role in managing our survival a...
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Why CO2 Exhalation Breath Training Is Superior To O2 Inhalation Training applied neurology breathe training neuro education
The title may be a little too clickbait(ish) comparing CO2 Exhalation to O2 Inhalation Training, but I want to look at this from a NEURO BRAIN perspective. 
While O2 inhalation techniques have the...
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Which of These 4 Pain Relieving Neuro Techniques Surprises You the Most? applied neurology neuro education personal training education
Which of These 4 Pain Relieving Neuro Techniques Surprises You the Most?
Did you know that pain is 100% of the time an OUTPUT from your BRAIN?
This means it makes perfect sense to use a NEUROLOGI...
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CO2 Breath Training: A Neuro Perspective applied neurology brain science breathe training breathing
Why has breathing become so important to the training industry over the last few years?
The truth of the matter is that current breathing training focuses on inhalation, but is that the most efficien...
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Q+A on Applied Neurology with Training and Optimal Performance (Part 1) applied neurology brain science neuro education strength training vision training
In the realm of health and fitness, the role of the brain in shaping our physical well-being has emerged as this generation’s GO-TO health education.
No longer confined to academic circles or special...
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Join our PRIVATE educational WEEKLY Newsletter applied neurology brain science case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
Expand Your Knowledge with Applied Neurology: Weekly Deep Dives

Every week, we delve into a specific topic from our Educational Mentorship program, bringing you deeper insights and practical applicatio...
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The Paper Cut Secret: How Body Mapping Boosts Performance & Reduces Pain applied neurology brain science neuro education pain relief personal training education
Do you know why you instinctively rub or suck on your finger when you get a paper cut? Or what do you immediately do when you burn your finger?
These actions are natural pain-reducing responses from...
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Join Our Next Level Neuro Educational Newsletter applied neurology brain science neuro education neurology pain relief
We've taken another step to support the next generation of coaches by providing even more valuable information. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to access in-depth applied neurology content. Lear...
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6 Reasons For Adding Vision Training to Your Training Routine applied neurology fitness education neuro mentorship vision training
The brain devotes more than 50% of its processing capacity to visual input. This high level of detail and the brain's extensive processing power dedicated to vision make it our primary tool for intera...
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How Do I Know Which Area of the Brain to Train? applied neurology brain science personal training education
If I were a personal trainer, coach, or therapist looking into Applied Neurology and how it can impact my coaching, a question we get daily on our information calls is the title of this article: “How ...
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Avoid These 2 Common Mistakes When Considering An Applied Neurology Education applied neurology brain science personal training education posture training
Are you considering taking an applied neurology course, but are unsure if it is for you and/or do not know where to start?
With the success that our current students have in their business, it's n...
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