Next Level Neuro News

7 Ways to Enhance Personal Training with Neuro Education - Part 1 neuro education personal training education
In the bustling fitness world, neuroeducation emerges as the game-changer on the horizon. Stay not just one, but ten steps ahead in this ever-evolving game. Are you ready to leap forward?
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Struggling to Find Fulfillment and Meaning in Your Coaching Career? neuro education personal training education
Are you eager to uncover a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment within your coaching or personal training career?


Explore the core of resolving your clients' challenges –...
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Tight Muscles: More Than Just A Response? – Or A Protective Strategy From Your Brain? brain science neuro education
The new frontier in understanding muscle tension might not be in your muscles at all - there's a deeper conversation your body and brain is trying to have with you.
Picture this: You're...
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The Top 5 Benefits of Vision Training and Its Synergy with Personal Training fitness education neuro education vision training
 Why Vision Training is the Essential Companion to Your Fitness Regime
In today's dynamic world of fitness, we've recognized the paramount importance of strength, flexibility,...
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4 Critical Insights to Redefine The Traditional Approach to Posture Training brain science neuro education personal training education
Have you ever felt as though there's a missing piece to the puzzle of posture? Could it be that the key lies not just within the alignment of the spine, but also within the recesses of our brain?...
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Mastering Balance: The Impact of Vestibular System /Inner Ear Training in Personal Training Education brain science neurology personal training education
Have you ever considered the essential role your brain's vestibular system plays in your fitness journey? From maintaining balance effortlessly to enhancing athletic performance, this...
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Top 19 Neuro Drills By Functional Movement fitness education neuro education pain relief
Do you have nagging injuries that you can’t seem to help?
Have you tried using the Functional Movement Screen and its modalities for help?
In the infographic above, do you avoid those...
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The 3 Most Popular Neuro Drills - Voted On By Our Coaches & Personal Trainers neuro education neurology pain relief
Are your clients struggling with persistent posture issues or lingering pain, despite months of training?
Unlike traditional personal training education that solely focuses on everything...
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3 Secret Neuro Drills for Pain Relief neurology pain relief
"Attention coaches and personal trainers! Are chronic pain clients or personal struggles with persistent pain holding you back? You're not alone!"
Welcome to a new era where neuro personal...
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Enhancing Your Personal Training with Applied Movement Neurology and Neuro Drills brain science fitness education neuro education
 Are you looking to take your personal training sessions to the next level?
Are you ready to learn how to apply neurology drills to your programs and fast-track your results, designed to take...
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What's In Our Neuro Mentorship Program brain science fitness education neuro education neurology
What is the Next Level Neuro Mentorship Program?

•90-minute live teaching every week on Applied Neurology
•Quarterly In-Person training to practice your skills with other practitioners
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How Does Brain Science Enhance Personal Training? brain science fitness education neuro education neurology
As personal trainers, we often prioritize physical fitness—strength, endurance, and flexibility. However, there's a hidden force that holds the key to unlocking true potential: the brain....
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Why the traditional fitness education model is failing us. fitness education neuro education
The traditional education model has a 17-year lag between research and practice.

College textbooks are outdated the day they are published.

The world of brain science is so new that most coaches,...
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