The 7 Fundamental Reasons to Embrace Brain-Based Education With Training
Oct 31, 2023
Do you often find yourself caught in a cycle where clients seek your expertise to lose weight and get fit, but their journey takes a detour due to injuries? It's a dilemma that many trainers and coaches face, and the solution may lie in an unexplored educational realm of fitness.
Physical performance and exercise have always been integral in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving fitness goals. As personal trainers and coaches, we often concentrate on biomechanics, strength training, and nutrition to assist our clients in excelling on their fitness journeys.
However, it's highly probable that your clients will encounter setbacks that the current biomechanical educational background cannot adequately address.
...What then? Lose your clients, as many often do, or acquire a new understanding of how to assist them, one deeply rooted in every aspect of their health - their brain neurology.
Let’s explore the vital role of the brain and the nervous system in physical performance, body composition, and pain to shed some light on how understanding and integrating neurology can take your training sessions to the next level.
The Brain-Body Connection
We know you know this next part, but from personal trainers to physical therapists to world-class nutritionists, the connection between the two is noted, but not connected in education and application.
To comprehend the significance of neurology in physical health, we must first recognize the intricate connection between the brain and the body. Every movement, from lifting a dumbbell to sprinting on a treadmill, is orchestrated by the brain's neural networks.
You will see below, that the 3 systems we all have taken for granted are the roots of your client's success, in all areas.
The brain constantly sends signals to various muscles, joints, and organs, dictating how they should function. These signals are responsible for muscle contractions, joint movements, PAIN, and even the regulation of heart rate and respiration during exercise. In other words, the brain acts as the control center for all physical actions.
…or as we like to say, this is the driver of your car, and the car is your body. This leads me to this statement we have really come to love and we think you will too; “Everything above the neck affects everything below the neck.”
The title of this post has the 7 Fundamental Reasons, and we are going to break them up into 2 categories; The Three Pillars of Neurological Training and The Benefits of Integrating Neurology in Training. Because we can't talk one without the other.
Part I
The Three Pillars of Neurological Training
Neurological training encompasses three primary pillars
Your mental fitness is as important, and the primary driver to your physical fitness.
What happens to your body if your physical fitness stops?
What happens to your neurological systems if they are not kept up?
It’s not rocket science, but the areas of your brain will falter and get weaker just like your body. So what do we need to do? Yes, understand neurology and how to make those areas work better, just like all trainers do with the body.
1. Visual System: The visual system plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and coordination. Understanding how the eyes work in tandem with the brain to provide spatial awareness is essential for optimizing physical performance.
2. Vestibular System: The vestibular system, located in the inner ear, is responsible for balance and spatial orientation. By addressing issues within this system, trainers can help clients overcome balance-related challenges and enhance their stability.
3. Proprioception: Proprioception is the body's ability to sense its position, movement, and spatial orientation. A well-tuned proprioceptive system enables individuals to perform exercises with precision and control. Reconnecting the brain to these systems makes the brain feel safe in these environments and helps the client move more fluidly in these sessions.
Part II
The Benefits of Integrating Neurology in Training
1. Immediate Client Feedback: Neurological assessments provide immediate insights into a client's current state of their nervous system and what they need to improve that day.
This tailored approach can significantly expedite results in the moment, and show your clients your expertise given that the nervous system changes at the snap of your fingers. They can SEE the change and FEEL the change immediately.
2. Neural Warm-Up: Incorporating neural warm-ups into training sessions allows trainers to target specific areas for neurological improvement. By fine-tuning warm-up routines, trainers enhance performance outcomes and boost their clients' motivation.
3. Instant Feedback and Motivation: Neurological integration offers immediate feedback, both for trainers and clients. Through neural drills, clients can physically feel and see changes occurring within their bodies, which not only motivates them but also strengthens the client-trainer relationship.
4. Real-time Adjustments for Optimal Results: Neurological assessments during rest periods enable trainers to make on-the-spot adjustments to loads, intensity, and more. This real-time feedback guides trainers in optimizing their clients' results, akin to having a GPS for the entire training session.
Understanding the brain's role in physical performance is paramount for personal trainers and coaches. By delving into the world of neurology, trainers and coaches can tap into a new dimension of personalized training, expedited results, and enhanced client motivation.
The brain's influence on movement, balance, and coordination is undeniable, making it a powerful tool for achieving fitness goals.
Incorporating neurological assessments, neural warm-ups, and real-time adjustments into training sessions can elevate a trainer's expertise and bring clients closer to their fitness aspirations.
As the fitness industry continues to evolve, mastering the art of training with neurology is no longer an option; it's a necessity. It's time to unlock the full potential of your clients by embracing neurology in your coaching practice.
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