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The Power of Applied Neurology and the Assess-Reassess Process

"The most challenging thing about the industry right now is that new clients and patients expect change in their FIRST sessions!  And if they don't get it, they won't come back.

Neuro drills give me the advantage to make that happen consistently, and it’s helped my business grow.” - Louie

In the world of Applied Neurology, one of the most important tools for improving your health and performance is the assess-reassess process.

Whether you’re an elite athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone dealing with pain or long-term health challenges, this simple yet powerful method helps ensure that the brain and nervous system are working in sync with the body to deliver better results.

But what exactly is Applied Neurology, and why is this process such a game-changer?


What is Applied Neurology?

At its core, Applied Neurology is about understanding how the brain and nervous system control the body.

Your brain’s number one job is to keep you alive, and it does this by constantly assessing your environment and adjusting your body’s functions based on perceived threats.

This could range from tightening muscles to protect against injury to altering your breathing and heart rate during stressful situations.

Unfortunately, when the brain misinterprets signals or holds onto old patterns of dysfunction (from injury, illness, or stress), it can lead to chronic pain, decreased mobility, or even fatigue and brain fog. 

Applied Neurology addresses these issues by using targeted exercises to help rewire the brain’s response, reducing perceived threat levels and improving overall function.


The Assess and Reassess Process: A Key to Transformation

The assess-reassess process is a cornerstone of neurological training because it allows you to measure the real-time effects of any exercise or intervention on your nervous system.

Here’s how it works.

This process is pivotal for several reasons.

1. Baseline Establishment:

Initially, a comprehensive assessment is conducted to determine the current state of neurological and physiological functions.

This includes evaluating breathing patterns, heart rate, blood pressure, sensory perceptions (like smell and vision), balance, and movement coordination.

We do this through the assess process. 

Before starting an exercise, you measure a specific function of your body, such as range of motion, pain level, or coordination. This gives you a snapshot of how your brain is currently interpreting the body’s needs.

2.  Neruo Drill or Intervention:

You then perform a neurological drill or movement designed to stimulate specific areas of the brain. This could be anything from eye exercises to breathing drills, depending on what part of the nervous system needs attention.

3. Continuous Reassessment

Regular reassessments allow practitioners to monitor progress, identify improvements, and recognize any emerging issues. This ensures that the treatment remains effective and adaptable to the patient’s evolving needs. 

After the exercise, you remeasure the same neuro assessment you tested earlier.

Did your range of motion improve?

Did your pain decrease?

Is your coordination better?

If so, it’s a sign that the exercise lowered your brain’s perception of threat and restored better communication with that part of the body.

4. Data-Driven Adjustments:

The insights gained from reassessments inform necessary adjustments to the training program, optimizing the path to recovery by focusing on what works best for the individual.

And number 5 ….

5. Re-assess / Assess Your SALES EVALUATION TOOL….

I saved this one for last and it has been given its own paragraph.

One of our students put it best; The most challenging thing about the industry right now is that new clients & patients expect change in their FIRST SESSION.  If they don’t get it, they won’t come back.   


"The most challenging thing about the industry right now is that new clients and patients expect change in their FIRST sessions!  And if they don't get it, they won't come back.

Neuro drills give me the advantage to make that happen consistently, and it’s helped my business grow.” - Louie


There is nothing that sells a new client FASTER than something they can see and feel the moment they re-assess after a neuro drill.   It is that powerful of a tool in the sales process, but more importantly, a sales tool you use over and over again throughout the time with that client.

It becomes a per-session tool that helps you navigate and show the client you know exactly what you are doing with them.

The beauty of this method is that it provides immediate feedback. Instead of guessing whether a drill or exercise is working, you *know* right away, based on your own body’s response.


The Role of Threat Perception and Tension in Neurological Function

Our nervous system is wired to prioritize survival, constantly assessing threats to ensure our safety (this is the brains #1 role - survival).

This threat perception involves both the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for "fight or flight" responses) and the parasympathetic nervous system (which governs "rest and digest" activities). 

In the context of Long COVID, ongoing inflammation and neuronal damage can lead to a heightened state of perceived threat, keeping the nervous system in a constant state of tension.

Tension manifests physically as muscle tightness, pain, and restricted movement, while psychologically it can lead to anxiety and depression.

This persistent state of high threat perception hampers the brain's ability to function optimally, making recovery a complex and challenging journey.


Why This Process Matters

For most people, pain and dysfunction can feel mysterious and uncontrollable. One day you wake up with back pain, or you suddenly find yourself dealing with brain fog that won’t go away.

The assess-reassess process gives you a tangible way to take control of your health. It empowers you to test and improve your nervous system’s performance in real-time, allowing you to see exactly what’s working and what’s not.

This approach is especially useful for those dealing with long-term conditions, such as long COVID, chronic pain, or neurological impairments.

By applying targeted drills and reassessing after each session, you can reduce threat levels in the brain, unlock movement, and reduce symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, or even breathing difficulties.


A Neuro Coaches Thought Process Using Applied Neurology

Imagine this: you have persistent shoulder tension. Instead of stretching endlessly or relying on painkillers, you decide to try a simple *applied neurology* exercise.

First, you *assess* by testing how far you can comfortably rotate your shoulder. It’s tight and limited.

Next, you perform a quick drill that targets a specific part of your brain responsible for controlling shoulder movement—perhaps an eye exercise that stimulates the brainstem, where many movement controls live.

After the drill, you *reassess* the shoulder’s range of motion. To your surprise, the movement is smoother, and the pain has diminished.

This process helps you understand that the shoulder tension wasn’t just a muscle issue—it was connected to your brain’s interpretation of movement.

By calming the brain’s threat response, you improve mobility and reduce pain.


Real-World Impact: Stories of Transformation

Consider Jane, a Long COVID survivor who struggled with chronic fatigue and dizziness. Through the Applied Neurology program, Jane began with simple breathing and vision exercises.

Initially, her reassessments showed minimal improvement, but as she persisted, her tension levels decreased, and her coordination improved.

Eventually, Jane could walk without feeling dizzy and engage in daily activities with renewed energy.

Or take Mark, who experienced facial numbness and difficulty swallowing. By focusing on exercises that targeted his cranial nerves and reducing his overall threat perception, Mark gradually regained sensation in his face and improved his ability to chew and swallow comfortably.


Embracing the Future of Applied Neurology

Applied Neurology represents a paradigm shift in how we approach brain and nervous system training, neurological recovery, especially for those affected by conditions like long term pain and Long COVID.

By emphasizing a structured assess and reassess process, this approach ensures that treatment is personalized, adaptable, and effective.

It empowers individuals to take an active role in their recovery, providing tools and strategies to restore their neurological health and reclaim their lives.

As research continues to uncover the intricate connections between the brain, nervous system, and overall health, Applied Neurology stands at the forefront, offering hope and tangible solutions for those on the path to recovery.

Whether you're looking for battling Long COVID or other neurological challenges, embracing this innovative approach could be your key to unlocking a healthier, more vibrant future.


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