Next Level Neuro 
News & Education

Our Mission: Normalizing Neuro 

Making Neurology a Part of Everyday Conversation


Imagine if understanding your brain's needs was as common as knowing the needs of our body?—this is the future NLN is striving to create by normalizing neuro.

In a world where physical fitness, nutrition, and (now) mental health are regular topics of conversation, one critical element is often missing—neurology.

At Next Level Neuro (NLN), we're on a mission to change that. We believe that understanding and discussing the brain’s role in pain management, performance, and overall well-being should be as commonplace as discussing a workout routine or a balanced diet. It’s time to normalize neuro.


Why Normalizing Neuro Matters

The brain controls everything, from how we move to how we feel, yet neurology is often viewed as a complex and inaccessible science reserved for medical professionals. It's NOT!  

This old world view perception creates a gap in everyday health conversations, leaving people without the knowledge to address or even understand the neurological aspects of their well-being.

By making neuro education a standard part of health and fitness training, NLN aims to bridge this gap, bringing neurological health into the mainstream.

What if the next time you heard someone say, "I have a headache," you could respond with questions like... 

  • Have you done any vision drills to relieve your eye strain? 
  • What's going on with your breathing? Do you think bag breathing could increase oxygen levels? 
  • How's your brain doing with glucose levels? Do you need a snack?
  • Have you considered moving your cranial sutures? 

 Those might sound WEIRD at first, but the solutions they suggest can be JUST as powerful (or more!) as asking if someone is hydrated or has slept well, and JUST as effective as taking a pain reliever like Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen. 

Curriculum and Education: Building the Foundation for Normalizing Neuro

At Next Level Neuro (NLN), we believe that the key to normalizing neuro lies in education.

By integrating neurological concepts into health and fitness curricula, we can empower professionals and the general public alike to understand and apply these principles in their daily lives. And that starts with YOU learning how vital it can be to your own conversations!

Our approach to curriculum development is focused on making neuro education accessible, practical, and directly relevant to everyday experiences.


Development of Curriculum: Creating a Pathway to Everyday Neuro

The goal of our curriculum is to demystify neurology and make it an integral part of health and fitness education.

We aim to shift the perception of neurology from being an exclusive field reserved for medical experts to something everyone can understand and apply. This shift begins with embedding neurological education into the foundational training of health professionals—personal trainers, physical therapists, massage therapists, and beyond.

By making neurology a standard part of their education, we prepare these professionals to incorporate neuro-based techniques into their practices, ultimately bringing the conversation of neuro into everyday health and wellness discussions.

Our curriculum is designed not just for professionals but for anyone who wants to enhance their understanding of how the brain influences physical and emotional well-being.

The mentorship program we teach is structured to break down complex neurological concepts into simple, actionable steps that can be easily integrated into daily routines. Whether it’s through online courses, workshops, or hands-on training, we ensure that our curriculum provides the tools and knowledge needed to make neurology a regular part of health practices.


Specific Topics To Normalize Neuro

To truly normalize neuro, it’s essential to cover a range of topics that highlight the brain’s role in various aspects of health.

Our curriculum includes the following key areas:

1. Sensory Inputs:

Understanding how sensory information from our environment affects the brain and body is crucial.

By learning how to harness and optimize sensory inputs, individuals can improve everything from movement efficiency to emotional regulation.


2. Proprioception:

Often referred to as the body’s “sixth sense,” proprioception is the awareness of the body’s position in space. Training proprioception is vital for enhancing balance, coordination, and overall movement quality.

Our curriculum teaches methods to improve proprioceptive abilities, which can lead to better physical performance and injury prevention.


3. Nerve Mechanics:

Also known as peripheral nerve mobility, this topic focuses on the movement and health of nerves throughout the body. Understanding nerve mechanics is essential for addressing issues like chronic pain, muscle tightness, and mobility restrictions.

Our courses provide practical techniques to improve nerve mobility, making this knowledge accessible for everyday use.


4. Interoception:

This refers to the body’s ability to sense its internal state, such as hunger, thirst, and pain. By improving interoception, individuals can gain better control over their physical and emotional responses, leading to improved well-being.

Our curriculum emphasizes the importance of interoception in maintaining overall health and provides strategies to enhance this internal awareness.


5. Respiration and Breathing:

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of neurological health. Our curriculum includes training on how to optimize breathing patterns to reduce stress, improve energy levels, and enhance cognitive function.


6. Vision and Vestibular Training:

These systems play a crucial role in balance, coordination, and overall neurological function.

The curriculum covers techniques to improve visual and vestibular health, which can have a profound impact on daily life activities and athletic performance.


How We Plan to Normalize Neuro

1. Integrating Neuro into Health Education:

We believe that neurology should be a fundamental part of every health professional’s education, whether they’re personal trainers, physical therapists, or massage therapists.

Our mentorship curriculum is designed to equip these professionals with the knowledge they need to incorporate neuro-based techniques into their everyday practice.


2. Simplifying Complex Concepts:

One of the key steps in normalizing neuro is breaking down complex neurological concepts into simple, actionable advice that can be easily integrated into daily life.

From eye drills to balance exercises, we’re focused on making neuro exercises as routine as brushing your teeth.


3. Expanding Public Awareness:

Through social media, workshops, and online courses, NLN is committed to spreading the word about the importance of neurological health.

We want neuro to be a part of everyday conversations, just like diet and exercise.


4. Creating Accessible Content:

Our blog, courses, and social media posts are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background in science or health. We aim to demystify neurology and make it a topic that anyone can engage with.


5. Building a Community:

Normalizing neuro is not just about education; it’s about building a community of individuals who are passionate about neurological health and eager to share their knowledge with others.

By fostering this community, we can create a ripple effect, spreading the importance of neuro through word-of-mouth and personal stories.


The Future of Normalized Neuro

At NLN, we envision a future where neuro becomes a natural and essential part of everyday health conversations. Whether someone is discussing their fitness routine, managing stress, or addressing chronic pain, we want neurological health to be at the forefront of these discussions. Imagine a world where talking about brain health is as common as discussing your last workout or your diet plan.

This is the future we are striving to create.

By normalizing neuro, we are not just promoting awareness; we are fostering a culture of empowerment. When people understand the role their brain plays in everything from movement to mood, they gain the ability to take proactive steps towards better health. They become more attuned to their body’s signals and more equipped to make informed decisions that support their overall well-being.

This shift in conversation also has the potential to revolutionize how we approach healthcare and wellness. As neurological health becomes a routine consideration, it will influence how we design fitness programs, manage stress, and even prevent disease. By integrating neuro into the everyday, we can create a more holistic and effective approach to health—one that acknowledges the brain as the central hub of our physical and emotional well-being.

As this conversation grows, it will lead to a deeper societal understanding of how our bodies work. This knowledge can break down the barriers that have kept neurology in the realm of specialists and make it accessible to all. It can change the way we think about health and challenge the old paradigms that separate the mind from the body.

In this future, neurological health is not an afterthought—it is a priority. It’s something that everyone, from the average person to the seasoned health professional, can discuss with confidence and clarity. At NLN, we are committed to leading this movement, ensuring that neuro becomes an integral part of how we care for ourselves and each other.

Together, we can make this vision a reality, creating a healthier, more informed society where neurological health is recognized as a cornerstone of overall well-being.

More articles to enhance your education:


The Top 4 Ways Your Vision Improves Your Health

What Is The Number One Googled Pain, Next to Back Pain?

LIVE Neuro Workshop (Replay will be available)

Is Applied Neurology Too Complicated For The Coaching Profession?

How Do I Know Which Area of the Brain to Train?

Why Vision Matters in Neuro Training

Training the Nervous System for Pain Relief

Do you have chronic pain you can’t relieve?

The Neuro Approach to Fitness Training

How Brain Training Enhances Athletic Performance

How Neuro Impacts Physical Therapy

The Science Behind Neuro Training


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