Next Level Neuro News

Challenging Common Beliefs in the Fitness Industry: Tension applied neurology strength training

The Dual Nature of Tension In The Body: When It’s Good & When It’s Not

Have you ever wondered why your muscles feel tight? Is it just from overuse or poor posture? Or could it...
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Q+A on Applied Neurology with Training and Optimal Performance (Part 1) applied neurology brain science neuro education strength training vision training
In the realm of health and fitness, the role of the brain in shaping our physical well-being has emerged as this generation’s GO-TO health education.
No longer confined to academic circles or...
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The Crucial Role of Vision in Training and Strength Building neuro education strength training vision training
Visions Roll In Strength Training
When we think about physical training and strength building, our focus often lands squarely on muscles, technique, and endurance. However, there's a vital yet...
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