What is Applied Neurology?

neuro mentorship neurology personal training education May 16, 2024
Applied Neurology: Enhancing Your Brain's and Body's Potential
Imagine exercising not just your muscles, but your brain itself. That's the essence of applied neurology or neurotraining. It involves purposefully engaging specific brain structures, neurological pathways, and sensory input systems through targeted exercises.
At its core, applied neurology isn't vastly different from regular exercise routines. The key distinction lies in its deliberate focus on the nervous system and particular areas of the brain. What's fascinating is how rapidly the nervous system adapts—it's the quickest-changing system in the body, and the governing system of all others. 


This means that by harnessing the principles of neuro training, you can influence various bodily systems beyond just the brain. It's a holistic approach to fitness and well-being that taps into the immense potential of our neurological framework.
So, if you're looking to optimize your physical and cognitive performance, consider incorporating applied neurology into your regimen—it might just be the missing piece to unlock your body's full capabilities.  To learn more, click here to learn about our mentorship education. 

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