Unlocking Peak Strength Performance In The Deadlift - How Neuro Stacking Enhances Strength Training

neurology personal training education Jun 22, 2024
At Next Level Neuro, we understand that neuro training can sometimes look unconventional, even amusing. But if it delivers results, who’s to argue with success?
In our latest video, we showcase Andrew Eaton engaging in a unique neuro stack during a deadlift. This routine combines isometric exercises for the posterior chain with bag breathing techniques.
Here is why it’s so effective.

The Science Behind the Stack


1. Frontal Lobe Activation:

   Before Andrew begins his lift, we aim to stimulate his frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is crucial for neural drive, which directly influences strength output. By incorporating isometrics in the deadlift setup position, we adhere to the SAID principle (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands).
This principle underscores the brain’s preference for specificity, ensuring optimal neural activation for the task at hand.

2. Isometric Exercise:

   Isometric strength exercises are powerful frontal lobe activators. By maintaining a static hold in the deadlift setup, Andrew primes his brain and body for the subsequent movement. This pre-activation can lead to increased strength and better performance during the lift.

3. Bag Breathing:

   The bag breathing technique elevates CO2 levels in Andrew’s blood by having him rebreathe his own carbon dioxide.


This process facilitates a greater release of oxygen from red blood cells into the tissues and brain. Additionally, it trains Andrew to handle air hunger in the isometric position, which can enhance his performance when the bag is removed.

The Outcome

Following this neuro stack, Andrew’s reassessment showed significant improvement, confirming the effectiveness of this method. If the reassessment had not been positive, we would have returned to the drawing board to identify the correct nervous system inputs for him.
What is a neuro reassessment? Click this FREE WORKSHOP.
This adaptability is key in neuro training.
The beauty of working with the brain and nervous system lies in the immediate feedback they provide. We can quickly determine what works best, allowing us to fine-tune our approach for optimal results.  If you want to learn more about our neuro drills and what our mentorship can do for you, click here to receive more information. 

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