How To Deal With Pain From A Brain FIRST Perspective
Nov 29, 2023
Do you find yourself frustrated and at a loss when clients walk in with pain and you can’t help them?
The conventional approach in the fitness industry often involves addressing pain at the site itself through bodywork or other proprioceptive tools. Alternatively, trainers may choose to avoid certain movements altogether, finding workarounds or even referring clients out and temporarily losing them because they are in pain.
What if we could shift our focus to working with pain at its root—the brain—and eliminate the underlying threats causing the brain to trigger pain in the first place?
One of the key advantages of neuroeducation is that students are discovering it not only benefits their clients but also helps them retain and attract referrals, resulting in a record-high number of referrals.
Let's explore the most effective ways to leverage neurology and the brain in dealing with pain.
(1) Utilize Opposing Joints
Whether it's a left ankle sprain or right hip pain, consider moving an opposing joint.
Left ankle sprain?
Move the right wrist.
Right hip pain?
Move the left shoulder.
The nervous system communicates through gait patterns, and by strategically engaging opposing joints, you can lower pain without directly addressing the local area.
(2) Globally Reduce Threat with Inhibition
Minimize the overall threat perceived by the brain by reducing sensory input. This can be achieved through various means such as applying ice, wearing colored glasses, using earplugs, or even utilizing an abdominal belt.
By lessening the information the brain has to process, you can effectively reduce pain.
(3) Slow it Down, Shorten the Range
When faced with pain during movement, try slowing down the speed and shortening the range of motion. This approach often eliminates the pain signal and provides a foundation for progress.
(4) Leverage Peripheral Nerve Mechanics
Peripheral nerve mechanics, including flossing, aren't limited to improving nerve function in conditions like sciatica or carpal tunnel. They also contribute significant sensory input to painful areas, providing the brain with new information that it may be seeking.
(5) Incorporate Breathing Drills for Increased Oxygenation
Address transient pain by boosting oxygen delivery to the brain. Experiment with techniques like long exhales or breath holds to increase CO2 levels, promoting optimal oxygen flow to the brain.
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