Enhancing Your Personal Training with Applied Movement Neurology and Neuro Drills

brain science fitness education neuro education Jul 27, 2023
 Are you looking to take your personal training sessions to the next level?
Are you ready to learn how to apply neurology drills to your programs and fast-track your results, designed to take your client's progress to the next level? 
The key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of health and fitness is to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. One such advancement that is revolutionizing the fitness industry is the integration of Applied Movement Neurology and Neuro Drills. In this blog post, we will explore how you can easily implement these techniques into your training sessions, taking advantage of brain science and enhancing the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) process.
Applied Movement Neurology involves a set of powerful steps designed to optimize athletic performance, improve movement patterns, and prevent injuries by harnessing the brain-body connection. Let's dive into the five steps to integrate this innovative approach into your training:
1. Use Simple Sensory Techniques: Start by incorporating sensory techniques to signal the brain through the body that it's time to move. These techniques can involve gentle tapping, shaking, or rhythmic movements. By engaging the sensory system, you enhance neuroplasticity, leading to improved motor control and movement coordination.
2. Implement Vestibular Drills: The vestibular system plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and spatial awareness. By integrating vestibular drills into your training, you give the brain a better grasp of its position in space, leading to enhanced balance and stability during exercises.
3. Introduce Eye Movements: Eye movements have a direct impact on the nervous system and can lead to immediate strength improvements. By integrating specific eye movement exercises into your routines, you tap into the connection between vision and movement, resulting in enhanced motor performance and coordination, while decreasing the threat level of the brain.
4. Utilize Intentional Breathwork: Breathwork is a powerful tool for regulating the nervous system and promoting faster recovery. Teach your clients to use intentional breathing techniques during exercises to stay centered and focused. This not only enhances their physical performance but also reduces stress and anxiety.
5. Assess and Reassess: To provide immediate feedback and track progress, it's essential to assess and reassess everything at the level of the nervous system. Observe your clients' movements closely during Neuro Drills, paying attention to any subtle changes. Regular reassessment allows you to fine-tune during your sets to make sure you have chosen the appropriate load.
Incorporating Applied Movement Neurology and Neuro Drills into your personal training practice will lead to a paradigm shift in how you approach fitness. By acknowledging the significance of the brain-body connection, you can create tailored training programs that yield superior results for your clients.
Remember, Applied Movement Neurology is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each individual is unique, and understanding their specific needs and goals is key to unlocking their true potential. With consistent application and a commitment to continuous learning, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of integrating Neuro into your training sessions.
The marriage of brain science and movement science offers an exciting opportunity for personal trainers to elevate their practice.
By following the five steps of Applied Movement Neurology, you'll be able to optimize movement patterns, enhance balance and coordination, improve strength, and promote faster recovery.
If you want to take your knowledge of Applied Movement Neurology to the next level, check out our introductory program, The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program.   We have designed it in a simple "we teach, you do" format, making it easy for you to grasp the concepts and apply them in your training sessions.  Within this program, we take some of these neuro drills and apply them to the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) to show the power a few brain drills can do to facilitate a quick screen result.
Click the link below to get started on your journey to becoming a pro in integrating Neuro into your training approach.

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