Why All Health Pros Should Know Applied Neurology

applied neurology brain science neuroscience Oct 04, 2024


At Next Level Neuro (NLN), we’re on a mission to bring the paradigm-shifting, life- and business-changing knowledge of applied neurology to every health professional.
Why? Whether you're a coach, trainer, therapist, or medical professional, understanding how the brain and nervous system work is key to truly transforming your client's health and performance.

We All Have a Brain and a Nervous System

It’s a simple fact: every human has a brain and a nervous system.
But how many of us know how to use them to get the most out of our bodies?
While the science of training the brain and nervous system to make lasting changes in the body has existed for decades, it’s often been hidden behind academic walls or expensive certifications.
This information is vital for unlocking human potential—abolishing pain, enhancing performance, and creating lasting physical transformation.
At NLN, we believe it should be accessible to all health professionals, not just a select few.


The Evolution of Fitness and Health Coaching

For decades, fitness professionals and health coaches measured the success of a session by how much their clients sweat or how sore they felt afterward.
But in today’s fitness landscape, gone are the days when that one-size-fits-all approach works. As more health professionals embrace neurology in their practices, the focus has shifted to a more nuanced and personalized approach to training.
This means moving away from the idea that pushing clients to their physical limits is the best way to achieve results. Instead, the new standard is an adaptive, approach that takes into account the nervous system's response to different stimuli.

Opening Dialogue with the Nervous System

How do you know the workout or exercise is actually benefiting them?
Is it as simple as asking if they feel pain or discomfort?
Or is there more to it?
By incorporating applied neurology, you can open a dialogue with the client’s nervous system, which controls everything in the body below the neck.
Instead of merely pushing through discomfort, you can work with the body to identify what it needs on a given day.
At NLN, we teach health professionals to recognize that no two clients are the same, and even the same client can have different needs depending on the day’s stressors or physical state.
Using neurological assessments, professionals can quickly determine how the brain and body are responding to specific exercises. This allows for real-time feedback, enabling you to adjust and optimize your approach on the spot, ensuring your client leaves feeling better every time.

Integrating Neurology into Fitness

Applied neurology isn’t just another tool in the toolbox; it’s this generation’s modality that will be as common as the word and attention posture gets.
By incorporating techniques that stimulate key areas of the brain, such as the visual or vestibular (inner ear) systems, or even through simple breathing drills, we can calm the nervous system and improve physical movement instantly.
This ability to rapidly affect the nervous system can make a profound difference in how clients move and feel—something that no traditional training program can offer.
Instead of adhering to rigid workout plans, health professionals trained in applied neurology can respond dynamically to their clients' needs.
For example, if a client’s knee starts to hurt during lunges, rather than pushing through or benching the exercise entirely, you can assess and adjust in real-time. By engaging the nervous system, you have the flexibility to work around the pain and get the client moving forward without missing a beat.

A Personalized Approach to Health and Performance

Applied neurology takes into account that everyone’s nervous system responds differently to stimuli. This is why a personalized approach to training, one that respects the body’s signals and adapts accordingly, is so effective.
Instead of prescribing a workout and sticking to it no matter what, you can create a feedback loop with your client’s nervous system.
If something doesn’t work, you adapt. If something works, you build on it. The results are immediate, measurable, and more sustainable than traditional methods.

Moving Beyond Pain and Discomfort

Gone are the days when pushing through pain was a badge of honor in the fitness world. Applied neurology allows you to work with your clients in a way that not only prevents pain but actively works to reduce it.
By learning to assess and reassess the nervous system in real-time, you can avoid unnecessary discomfort and help your clients make faster, more effective progress. This also builds trust with your clients, as they see the immediate results of a tailored, responsive training plan.

This Generations Education

For health professionals, applied neurology is a powerful tool that not only elevates your practice but also empowers you to offer truly personalized care.
You’ll be able to identify and address issues before they become chronic, fine-tune your client’s training regimen for maximum effectiveness, and help them achieve long-term results without burnout or injury.
At NLN, our mission is to make this revolutionary knowledge accessible and applicable to everyone. Whether you’re a fitness trainer, a chiropractor, or a wellness coach, understanding applied neurology can change how you approach your work and the lives of the clients you serve.
Are you ready to take your practice to the next level? At Next Level Neuro, we provide the education and mentorship health professionals need to master applied neurology and bring out the best in their clients. Together, let’s redefine what it means to personalize health and performance.

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