A Few Words From Our Director Of Education - Matt Bush
Have you been asking yourself how neurology-based training and personal training work together to improve your client training sessions?
When you think about optimal output and recovery; How do you know your client will leave a session better than when they came in?

The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program gives coaches and trainers a foundational introduction to the practical application of neurology-based tools and training, and also a product you can IMPLEMENT IMMEDIATELY with your clients.
The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program will teach you how to assess and re-assess during your training sessions to see if what you have assigned is having a positive or negative effect on the client's nervous system.

There is a level of education that is available to you now, as a coach, that has never been available outside of medical school and is a highly advanced education.
It is essential to bridge the educational gap between personal trainers and medical professionals. We recognize the crucial need to reduce the educational disparity within the field of coaching. Personal trainers play a vital role, engaging with their clients on a day-to-day basis, and providing face-to-face support and guidance.
We firmly believe in equipping trainers with a comprehensive education. The Functional Neuro Strength Training Program serves as your entry point to embark on a transformative journey toward becoming this next generation's professional.
Gain a simple introduction to neurology tools, exactly as our neuro-trained coaches implement them in their health practices. This introductory program enables you to incorporate these powerful tools into your own coaching immediately.
Get The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program Now!

Assess/Reassess Process:
Gain valuable insights from Matt Bush, a seasoned neuro educator with over 15 years of experience, as he explains the assessment process and its purpose. Discover why it is crucial to assess and reassess regularly in preparation for your training sessions.
During the modules, you'll find carefully selected specific exercises, such as squats and pull-ups, that many of your clients may be inclined to avoid. Our aim is to equip you with the necessary neurology drills to confidently teach proper body movement and muscle engagement. By incorporating neurology drills, you will acquire the ability to overcome any fear or hesitation, eliminating the need to compromise on weight or substitute exercises for improved repetitions.
You'll have a toolbox of over 20 neuro-based performance drills at your disposal, enabling your clients' bodies to perform the exercises effectively under the guidance of their brains.
Module 1:
Have you had trouble getting your clients the right movement preparation to squat effectively? You will have more than enough neurology drills so the brain will let the body do the squat more efficiently.
Here is what you will learn during this first module.
5 Neuro-Based Drills to Improve Your Squat
✅ Saccule Bouncing
✅ Lateral Ankle Tiltls
✅ Lateral Knee Circles
✅ Gaze Stabilization
✅ Tibial Nerve Tensioning
Module 2:
Many clients in the older populations struggle with stability during the midpoint of the lunge. Try these quick and easy neuro drills to fast-track your clients to more efficiently during lunges.
4 Neuro-Based Drills to Improve Your Lunging
✅ Balance Progression
✅ Hip Circles
✅ Lateral Shifting
Module 3:
Do you have clients that don't have the lat function to perform pull-ups efficiently? The neuro-drills used in this module will help your clients feel more capable in their performance as we teach the brain/body connection to an exercise that sees a lot of dysfunction.
4 Neuro-Based Drills To Improve Your Pull-Ups
✅ Bite Activation
✅ Latissimus Muscle Mapping
✅ Thoracic Glides
✅ Ulnar Nerve Tensioning
Module 4:
Pressing may be one of the skill sets in the gym that has a high payoff with neuro drills.
4 Neuro-Based Drills to Improve Your Pushups
✅ Pencil Pushups
✅ Pec Major Muscle Mapping
✅ Shoulder & Scapular Mobilizations
✅ Smell Activation
Module 5:
The FMS or Functional Movement Screen is the gold standard in the fitness industry. You could use many of the neuro drills to enhance areas of the FMS to see which one works best for your clients. For the purpose of this module, we are going to introduce what we call a "high payoff" neuro drill in our mentorship program.
2 Neuro-Based Techniques to Improve Your Functional Movement
✅ The Infinity Walk
✅ A Multi-Drill Follow Along Sequence
I'm Ready To Purchase The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program
Get The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program Now!How to DIFFERENTIATE yourself with The NEURO FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM from your industry colleagues!
Don't be left out by not taking this next step in your training & your career. You may be the best in your gym right now, but if you're not adding The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program education, you will be left behind because this is the direction training is heading.
The argument will become; what comes first, neuroscience or biomechanics?
The primary difference between neurological versus biomechanical is that neurology happens at the speed of the nervous system, which means you need an assessment process that lets you know IMMEDIATELY if you are on the right track or not. It's not worth waiting 6-8 weeks to see results and find out the program you designed isn't working for your client.
Why should a fitness professional learn what's in The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program?
Simply put, BRAIN SCIENCE & APPLIED NEUROLOGY is here to stay and is changing the way fitness is done!
Applied neurology is the missing link that allows trainers to be more successful than they ever have before.
--> Everything above the neck, CONTROLS everything BELOW the neck.
--> The BRAIN is the CONDUCTOR of the symphony orchestra that is your body.
--> In a year when your colleagues are worried about where their next client is coming from, you have a program that will allow you to implement what you learned within minutes of watching and achieve instantaneous results with your clients.
2023 can be the year your business and YOU RISE and thrive because you embraced an education opportunity that was previously only available to people with white lab coats behind expensive and extensive postgraduate-level education degrees.
We understand all you really want is to give your clients what they have always desired; A way to help that has a lasting impact.
It is TIME to RAISE THE STANDARD of coaches everywhere with The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program.
This program will give you the FOUNDATION to be miles ahead of anyone else in your area!
Get The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program Now!LEARN FROM COACHING VETERANS

Matt Bush is an internationally known instructor of Applied Neurology, Sport Science, Athletic Development, and High Performance Coaching. He has accrued over 10,000 hours of course instruction and coaching for physios, personal trainers, athletic coaches, chiropractors, yoga teachers, pilates instructors, and other health & fitness professionals.
Kathy Mauck has 25+ years of experience in biology, medical research, and neurological study. Before working with Next Level Neuro, she was a partner and creator of a neuroscience-based education company called Z-Health Performance. After selling that business, she now focuses her attention in two areas: Neuro Training with Next Level Neuro and Business Growth Coaching through her consulting firm, KJM Consulting.