Next Level NeuroNEWS Education

Understanding How The Brain Interprets Stress and Its Importance - The Threat Bucket


How many times have you told a client or been told; “You need to decrease your stress.”


click here to read the full article.

The Connection Between The Inner Ear, Vision, Spinal Health, and Movement


The inner ear might seem primarily concerned with hearing, but it houses another critical component: the vestibular system.   

This system is our body's primary mechanism for maintaining balance and spatial orientation while working with our eye movements to stabilize us in space.


Click here to read the full article.

The Brain Science Of Why We Fall More As We Get Older


What happens inside our brain that makes us more susceptible to falling?


Click here to read this full article. 

What Happens in Our Brains When We Sleep?


      We all know the importance of sleep for our health, but do you know the ins and outs of why?  When you understand the role of sleep for our brains and what that means to our health you will have an entirely new perspective on how nutrition, movement, water, and more matter to our brain health.

      If you click the link below we will go into the neuroeducation behind what happens in our brains when we sleep and discover the critical role of the glymphatic system in brain maintenance.

     From understanding waste removal to optimizing glymphatic function through sleep, hydration, and applied neurology, this will help you understand why we say; ‘Everything above the neck drives everything below the neck.’.

     We will go through strategies for improving blood flow in the brain and learn practical neuro drills to boost glymphatic activity during the day.

Click here to read this full article 

The Silent Language of Posture: Decoding Body Posture for Neurological Pathways to Posture Enhancement


     Exploring the Neurology Behind Our Body's Expression of What It Needs to Correct in Our Posture from a Brain-First Perspective

     We will examine common postural abnormalities you see every day with clients and shift the focus from traditional biomechanical approaches to applied neurology, and a neuro drill focus first.

     Within the material we will introduce targeted interventions and drills aimed at improving both posture and brain function, ensuring clients not only leave better than they came, but also sustain their progress without reverting to old patterns.

Click here to read the full article


Why Focus on the Vagus Nerve for Athletic Performance

What the Vagus Nerve Means to Your Body and Stress


     I often illustrate the strength of the vagus nerve by likening it to a torrential rainstorm that quenches a forest fire (body stress) completely, in contrast to a helicopter that puts out flames (stress) in isolated areas. The vagus nerve works extensively, bringing calm and balance to the entire body.

     In today's high-pressure world of performance for athletes and the corporate world, stress and anxiety are common challenges many of us face. Experts across various fields, including coaches, trainers, and podcast hosts like Andrew Huberman, often discuss techniques to reduce stress in all performance areas.

Click here to read the full article

The Dominance Of Vision In Strength Training


Did you know that vision plays a crucial role in enhancing your strength training? From improving motor coordination and technique to boosting reaction times and overall performance, incorporating vision drills into your workouts can make a significant difference.

Discover how enhancing your visual system can lead to better strength and dynamic performance.

What You'll Learn:

How vision integrates with brain function to enhance spatial awareness

The visual system's data transmission rate compared to other senses

Techniques to incorporate vision training into your strength routines

The impact of visual efficiency on motor coordination and reaction times

Read the full article here:

Is CO Inhalation Training or CO2 Exhalation Training Better for You and Why?


Discover how your breathing technique goes beyond oxygen intake. We explore the benefits of CO2 exhalation training, focusing on enhancing brain function, reducing stress, and optimizing performance.

Learn why prioritizing controlled CO2 exhalation over deep O2 inhalation can lead to improved respiratory efficiency, enhanced cognitive clarity, and long-term stress reduction.

 Dive into the complexities of CO2's role in breathing and its impact on overall health. Ready to unlock the power of your breath?

Read the full article here:

How the Brain Feeds and Why That Matters to Our Brain Health


This week, we are teaching you the importance of how the brain feeds and its feeding patterns and how this relates to threat and your client's training/health.

The essential fuels that keep our brains running optimally are oxygen and glucose. Learn how these crucial nutrients are transported to the brain and why they are vital for its function.

Here are some of the questions we are going to answer:

* What does the functionality of our breathing have to do with how our brain feeds?

* Why does this matter in terms of our clients and how we use applied neurology drills to help them?

* Why is glucose more important than protein or fat for our brain?

* Why does the pattern that the brain fuels itself matter to our cognitive functionality?

* How does the brain's fueling matter to your clients' training and recovery?

By understanding how our brain receives and uses fuel, we can design better brain training programs to enhance cognitive performance, emotional processing, and overall brain health. 

Click here to read the full article

Is Foam Rolling Effective? A Neuro Perspective

Do you foam roll? Do you find yourself constantly rolling the same areas over and over? What about your clients?

Let’s explore the effectiveness of foam rolling from a neurological perspective, rather than the traditional biomechanical view.

We'll dive into its history, proper use, and potential benefits, while also discussing its limitations and the risks associated with aggressive techniques. Plus, we’ll introduce alternative applied neurology approaches that manage body tension more effectively.


Here are the questions we will answer in this weekend’s educational content.

1. What is the historical origin of foam rolling, and how was it originally intended to be used?

2. What are the potential benefits of foam rolling when used correctly?

3. What are the limitations and potential drawbacks of using foam rolling as a passive tool?

4. How can aggressive foam rolling techniques lead to increased tension rather than relief?

5. What are some alternative neurocentric approaches to managing body tension more effectively than foam rolling?


Click this link to read the full article:


Normalizing Neuro - Making Neurology a Part of Everyday Conversation

Imagine if understanding your brain's needs was as natural as knowing when to hydrate or rest—this is the vision that Next Level Neuro (NLN) is bringing to life. In a world where we routinely discuss physical fitness, nutrition, and mental health, one crucial element remains overlooked: neurology.

NLN is on a mission to change this by making neurological health an everyday topic of conversation. By demystifying the brain and integrating neuro education into health and fitness practices, NLN is closing the gap that has long kept neurology out of reach for most people.

We believe that understanding the brain’s role in everything from pain management to performance should be as routine as discussing a balanced diet or workout regimen.

We will answer these critical questions:

1. Why is it essential to include neurology in everyday health conversations?

2. How is NLN making neurological concepts more accessible and understandable?

3. What steps can individuals take to incorporate neurological health into their daily lives?


Ready to learn how you can make neuro a regular part of your health conversations?

Click here to read this full article.

Unlocking Recovery: The Power of Applied Neurology and the Assess Reassess Process

Discover how Applied Neurology and the assess-reassess process can transform your health and performance. Whether you're an athlete, dealing with chronic pain, or facing Long COVID challenges, this innovative approach is a game-changer.

What you'll learn:
- How neuro drills provide immediate results for client retention and sales
- The assess-reassess process: a step-by-step method to track progress
- How lowering threat perception improves neurological function and recovery

Read more here 


Where Body Tension Lives in the Brain: Uncovering the Connection

Click this link to read the full article:


Applied Neurology vs. Medical Neurology - Understanding The Difference

Click here to read this full article.

Unlocking Recovery: The Power of Applied Neurology and the Assess Reassess Process

Are you struggling with lingering pain that current biomechanical health models can't solve?

Do your clients consistently return with the same posture and pain problems?

Are you and your clients frustrated with the lack of success and overwhelmed by certifications that offer no real solution?

If so, you’re not alone. Many fitness professionals face these challenges and seek new ways to achieve immediate results and better outcomes.

The role of coaches and trainers in promoting health has never been more critical. With the rising challenges of disease, chronic pain, and obesity, the need for highly educated health professionals is at an all-time high.

Our brains are the command centers for every experience and action. Understanding the brain's role in processing sensory inputs and regulating movement, emotions, and behaviors is fundamental to appreciating the importance of applied neurology.


In this blog post, we will cover the key aspects of applied neurology education and training:

1. Primary Goals of Applied Neurology:

2. Understanding and Managing Threat Responses:

3. Personalized Approach to Neurological Training:

4. Applications in Pain Management and Performance Enhancement:

Applied neurology offers a powerful approach to improving brain function and overall health. By gaining a deep understanding of brain function, identifying underperforming systems, and engaging in targeted neurological training, you can achieve significant improvements in daily life.

Read more here 


The Neurology of Adult Learning:

Unlocking the Power of the Adult Brain


When was the last time you considered how your brain adapts to new information as an adult—does it work the same way it did when you were younger?

And how can you maximize your learning capacity?  

Believe it or not, we learn FAR differently as adults than we do as children!

This week's article, "The Neurology of Adult Learning: Unlocking the Power of the Adult Brain" dives into this very question, exploring the unique ways adult brains learn compared to children. 

(Case in point: The NLN Mentorship Program was built with these neurological differences in mind, leveraging insights from neuroscience to create more effective and engaging learning experience for our students.) 

By focusing on neuroplasticity, emotional engagement, and enriched learning environments, adults can continue to reshape their brain’s pathways, making learning both stimulating and impactful!

Here's what you'll learn in this week's article:

- The Neuroscience of Learning: How learning changes the brain's neural connectivity and the role of neuroplasticity in adult learning.

- Emotional Engagement: The critical role emotions play in enhancing learning and memory retention.

- Neuroplasticity in Adults: How adults can continue to reshape their brain’s neural pathways through varied and engaging learning experiences.

- Creating Enriched Learning Environments: The importance of diverse stimuli in maximizing the effectiveness of learning.

- Practical Tips for Enhancing Adult Learning: Strategies such as emotional engagement, spaced repetition, active learning, and multi-sensory input to optimize learning outcomes.


 Click this link to read the full article:


 The Neuroscience Behind Dopamine Detox


A very hot topic in the neuroscience world is the idea of a dopamine detox.  So we thought we would highlight this from a neuroscience perspective and give you some clearer incite.

We are going to explore the neuroscience behind dopamine, explaining how dopamine-seeking behaviors can become excessive and why a "dopamine detox" may help restore the brain’s ability to use dopamine correctly.

Here are some key points we will answer in this Part 1 of a two part series exploring the neurology of the dopamine detox.


Key questions answered in Part 1

- What is dopamine, and how does it affect motivation and reward?

- How does the brain process both pleasure and pain through dopamine?

- Why do we need a dopamine detox, and how can it help reset the brain?

- What are the brain regions involved in dopamine desensitization and recovery?


Click this link to read the full article:  

Contact Us For More Information About Our Mentorship

Next Level Neuro "In Their Own Words"

**The Fusion of Expertise**
"...professionals that want to learn how to integrate the worlds of strength and conditioning therapy and applied neurology... just love learning and teaching and helping people move better."

**Personal Transformation**
"...the cool thing about neurology is, you know, it really is the governing system of everything... Now you have more optionality and more doors within which to check and see if you can't find a new difference."

**Empowerment Through Experience**
"For our own health, you know, we get to try everything and see what works for us... So we would recommend anybody that takes any course of any kind to be trying it on yourself before you are going to be trying it on somebody else."

**The Necessity of Neuro**
"Well, everybody's always going to say there's not enough time... But, you know, I think being if you're in the health care field... you can't ignore the neuro component. And if you're not getting into it, you're going to be behind the eight ball because that's where health care's going."

"Before joining the mentorship, I had reservations about understanding the material, especially given my limited experience with brain science and anatomy. However, thanks to the structured approach Matt and Kathy employed, with their quarterly live trainings and weekly live sessions, the learning process became straightforward. I had concerns about the program being a year long, as most certifications in the industry are shorter. Yet, this duration allowed me to pace myself, with the reassurance that I could always catch up or seek clarification.

The program's structure enabled me to progress steadily without any setbacks. Additionally, the live events after every module provided invaluable insights, especially for my work as a personal trainer. On a personal note, this mentorship alleviated long-standing pains I'd suffered from, enhancing my overall physical health and performance.

Business-wise, it was transformative. My referral rates skyrocketed, primarily because I could now discuss "neuro" in an accessible manner. This unique approach provided solutions that even medical professionals weren't offering, setting me apart in the industry. Also, their online teaching methods not only made the material comprehensible but also improved my own online training capabilities. In fact, a client once remarked on the ease of our online interaction."

On the year-long program: "I think it's a necessary program to do for a year to allow the information to soak in because the information so valid. Plus you get to connect with the community in person that goes beyond the year." 

On how neuro has changed your personal health: "I feel like it's more about my awareness... the way I approach my health has I have more awareness around how I can help myself. Knowing the knowledge personally makes me calmer, that I have solutions."

On how neuro has changed your work with clients and your business: "Performance is so related to the neuro training... we all have chronic pain or like things come at us and now we can look at it from a different lens." 

"It's an amazing community of safety, being able to be yourself in where you are, in your company, in your profession."

"If you care about the people you work with and you want to make a true difference in their lives, this information is necessary." 

"Neuro training is something that everyone in a profession of helping others should have. It can help us improve our performance and it also can help us get out of pain, whether mental or physical."