About Next Level Neuro

Next Level Neuro, Brain, Wordmark, Logo

Neurology is often perceived to be the realm of medical doctors and surgeons, out of reach of day-to-day practitioners, or not within their scope of work.  In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Neurology is not just for stroke rehab and concussion recovery.  It applied to ALL clients & patients... in fact, health & training practitioners need to be aware that they are ALWAYS utilizing and training the nervous system.  You just can't escape it!  But are you training it on purpose, or by accident? 

Next Level Neuro exists to provide you a “brain-based lens” through which the body systems & integrated functions can be understood, so that you can implement day-to-day neurology training exercises in your work or your own life.  The NLN education programs will introduce you to the anatomy and function of several of our most important neurological systems - those used for movement, balance, and postural control - and help you learn and implement practical neurological exercises that can help to restore these systems to optimal function.  

These tools can be used to regulate the nervous system, improve attention, focus, and communication, and create balance and optimal movement in the body systems. After working with Next Level Neuro, you will understand why neurology training is NOT just for doctors or for patients of neurological injury or disease, but a toolset that can benefit EVERY client you work with and give you tools and strategies to help 100% of the people you see! 

Next Level Neuro Founders

Matt Bush headshot, smiling, in black polo shirt


Matt Bush is an internationally known instructor of Applied Neurology, Neuro Recovery, Sport Science, Athletic Performance Training, and High Performance Coaching.
He has over 10,000 hours of course instruction and coaching for physios, personal trainers, athletic coaches, chiropractors, and other health & fitness professionals. Matt's known for making complex topics easy and fun to learn & apply in the real world.


Kathy Mauck has 25+ years of experience in biology, medical research, and neurological study. Before working with Next Level Neuro, she was a partner and creator of a well known neuroscience-based education company.
After selling that business, she now focuses her attention in two areas: Neuro Training with Next Level Neuro and Business Growth Coaching through her other business, KJM Consulting. 
Kathy Mauck, headshot, smiling, in black shirt
Kathy Mauck, headshot, smiling, in black shirt


Kathy Mauck has 25+ years of experience in biology, medical research, and neurological study. Before working with Next Level Neuro, she was a partner and creator of a well known neuroscience-based education company.
After selling that business, she now focuses her attention in two areas: Neuro Training with Next Level Neuro and Business Growth Coaching through her other business, KJM Consulting. 

Next Level Neuro
& Instructors

Chris Mattice, headshot, white shirt


Dr. Ben Colten graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelors in Exercise Science and with the title Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Georgia. He has over 500 hours of applied neuroscience education with a special interest in concussion rehabilitation. He currently manages a multidisciplinary practice in New Jersey where he specializes in pain education, chiropractic care, and neuroperformance programs for patients of all ages.
Dr. Ben works directly with the NLN Mentorship and advanced practitioners to improve their skills and clinical application.
Chris Mattice, headshot, white shirt


Chris Mattice has over 25 years of experience in health, fitness, fitness franchising, and psychology/mindset coaching. Before joining Next Level Neuro, Chris partnered and created fitness businesses worldwide, focusing on fitness, health, and psychology-based education.

He has dedicated his attention to Neuro Training, brain health, therapy, and making Neuro training education accessible to those on the front lines of our world's health.
Brandon Day, headshot, smiling, white shirt, bowtie


Brandon Day is a Phoenix, Arizona based lifestyle and performance coach. He has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology and a whole collection of health & fitness certifications, and was a celebrated collegiate football athlete - winning multiple national championships and being featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine in 2007.
His collaboration with Next Level Neuro led Brandon to overcome his own chronic pain and physiological hurdles, and led him to fully commit to helping others. He embodies the principles he teaches, and is also an expert on the neurology of flow states & performance training.
Lisa Vonnegut, headshot, smiling, blue tanktop


Lisa Vonnegut has been a personal trainer since 2000 and began her neuro journey with Kathy and Matt in 2015. She fully integrates neuro training into her private practice and blends aspects of it into her FitCation business. She was a part of the first NLN mentorship group in 2021.

Lisa currently sees private clients online and divides her time between her homes in the SF Bay Area and Germany.
Andrew Eaton, headshot, smiling, blue tanktop


Andrew Eaton has 30+ years of experience in teaching and coaching strength, performance, mindset, and nutrition. Over those three decades, he’s acquired credentials from AFAA, ACE, NASM, NSCA (CSCS), IYCA, RTS, Precision Nutrition, and MBSC (CFSC). He was part of the first NLN Mentorship group as well.

Andrew says, "The best thing about the NLN curriculum is that it has provided a single through-line, connecting everything I've done to this point. It answers the ‘why’ to so many questions, and provides the ‘how’ for so many more."